Steamy Fun Abounds At Annual Crawfish Boil

By  //  June 1, 2012

Bayou Delicacy

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA –If you’re a fan of Cajun cooking, better make note of this.

The 15th annual Crawfish Boil for Cancer Care Centers of Brevard Foundation will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Wickham Park Pavilion.

Proceeds will benefit Brevard and Indian River County residents undergoing cancer treatment.

Two-pound Louisiana crawfish plates with corn and potatoes will be available for $12 at the event.

Jambalaya, hot dogs, sno balls, beer and wine also will be available.

Live music will be provided by Bits & Pieces and 23 TREEZ and participants also will be given the opportunity to enter a raffle and bid on silent auction items.

For additional fun, there will be free crawfish aces,a  water slide and bounce houses on site for children.

To place bulk pre-orders for crawfish, call 321-890-2145 or send an email to

Reservations may be made by clicking:

Wickham Park Pavilion is at 3845 N. Wickham Road in Melbourne.

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