City of Titusville Water Resources Update: Providing Clean, Safe Drinking Water
By Maureen Phillips Water Conservation & Public Outreach Manager, City of Titusville Water Resources // September 30, 2016
BREVARD COUNTY • TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA – Providing you and your family with clean, safe drinking water involves continuous monitoring, constant maintenance and sustained investment.
Titusville is proposing a 2 percent increase in both water and sewer rates beginning October 1.
Utilities increase rates because the cost to provide water and sewer service continues to increase.
When compared to other Florida utilities, the City of Titusville’s water and sewer rates (both current and proposed) fall in the mid to average range. To see a comparison of our rates click here.
Titusville’s proposed rate increase will be used to fund the following:
• Inflationary increases in the cost of health insurance and the second year of 2015 pay plan.
• Renewal and replacement costs associated with maintaining an aging infrastructure.
• Maintaining a 90-day cash balance for operations and maintenance.
• Debt service coverage requirements and maintaining an A+ credit rating.
The proposed increase will also fund the following projects:
• Rehabilitate influent structure & replace screen at Blue Heron Water Reclamation Plant.
• Replace 1,800 water meters.
• Install new solids handling equipment at Mourning Dove and Blue Heron treatment plants.
• Upgrade and replace 1 mile of waterline.
• Replace and upgrade 10 telemetry units.
• Refurbish third and final high-service pump at Mourning Dove Water treatment plant.
• Line 1 mile of sewer pipe and other sewer system upgrades.
• Install more than 8,300 feet of water mains in south area.
The largest portion of your water and sewer bill is based on your water consumption. To control your water consumption, it is helpful to understand the most common causes of increased use.
Common causes of increased water use includes leaks (especially toilets and dripping faucets); house guests (more showers, more laundry, etc.); time of year (washing love bugs or pollen off the car); and simple mistakes (failing to turn off an outside faucet)
CLICK HERE to visit our “Using Your Water Bill to Save Water and Money” page on to learn about tracking your water consumption. Tracking your water use can help you to take steps to reduce your water use and your water bill.
Tips on saving water and using water efficiently are available on our water conservation pages under Water Resources by CLICKING HERE. Visit our pages and learn how you can save water both inside and outside your home.
For questions about rates, please contact Sean Stauffer, Water Resources Director, at 321-567-3855 or email