Palm Bay PD’s Guillette Honored By U.S. Attorney

By  //  September 29, 2013

Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer

The Palm Bay Police Department has one of the most advanced capabilities in both training and resources for computer forensic investigations. Detective Greg Guillette is nationally certified in computer forensics through the Department of Homeland Security.(PBPD image)
The Palm Bay Police Department has one of the most advanced capabilities in both training and resources for computer forensic investigations. Detective Greg Guillette is nationally certified in computer forensics through the Department of Homeland Security. (PBPD image)

BREVARD COUNTY • PALM BAY — The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida presented Palm Bay Police Detective Greg Guillette with its Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award for his role in the successful arrest and federal prosecution of a suspect in a child pornography case.

U.S. Attorney Wilfredo Ferrer presented the award at a special ceremony held in Fort Lauderdale last week.

DHS Special Agent Ivan Camacho, Detective Greg Guillette, U.S. Attorney Wilfredo Ferrer. (Image for
LEFT TO RIGHT: Department of Homeland Security Special Agent Ivan Camacho, Palm Bay Police Detective Greg Guillette and U.S. Attorney Wilfredo Ferrer. (Image for

Also included in the award was Department of Homeland Security Agent Ivan Camacho and Sebastian Police Sgt. Jason Mills.

In 2011, Guillette was contacted by Sebastian Police requesting assistance with a forensic investigation involving a suspect who was allegedly making bombs inside his home.

What Guillette and Sgt. Mills ultimately uncovered was the bomb making suspect, identified as Andrew Hallock, 28, of Sebastian, was also heavily involved in child pornography. The forensic examination of Hallock’s computer revealed hundreds of pornographic photos and videos.


Many of the videos involved prepubescent minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. There was also evidence of arranged sexual meetings with underage victims. As a result of Guillette’s efforts working with Mills, the U.S. Attorney filed federal charges involving receipt of child pornography against Hallock.

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In June 2012, Hallock pled guilty and currently faces up to 20-years in prison followed by a lifetime of supervision upon release. The federal case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse launched in May 2006 by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Andrew Hallock
Andrew Hallock

Once the case became federal, Camacho assumed the lead role in the investigation. The Palm Bay Police Department has one of the most advanced capabilities in both training and resources for computer forensic investigations. Detective Guillette is nationally certified in computer forensics through the Department of Homeland Security.

He was trained by the U.S. Secret Service in cyber-investigative techniques to solve crimes using digital evidence. In addition to the training, the DHS also provided the Palm Bay Police Department with equipment and resources to handle all types of digital forensic investigations.

The training and resources have already proven successful not only in this case but the recent successful prosecution and conviction of Jason Williams for a 2011 homicide, along with an ongoing investigation involving a burglary ring that targets cell phone retailers.